What is YACSA?
The Youth Affairs Council of South Australia (YACSA) is the peak body that represents the interests of young people, youth sector workers, organisations and networks throughout the non-government youth sector.
YACSA is a member-based organisation and our policy positions are independent and not aligned with any political party or movement. We work with and for our members to achieve meaningful improvements in the quality of young people’s lives in South Australia and we represent a state perspective at the national level.
Our Purpose
Our business is advocacy and representation. Our work is informed by our members and evidence to create change and ensure policy makers and the community understands the impacts of policies and decision-making on young people and the youth sector.
We hold decision makers to account and provide a credible and informed youth affairs perspective.
YACSA’s work is based on four key peak body functions including:
Research, policy development, analysis and advice
Information dissemination
Capacity building
Consultation and coordination
Our History
For over 40 years, YACSA has advocated with and for its members to address the challenges and issues that impact young people and the youth sector.
Our Values
Our values underpin and drive everything we do with and on behalf of young people and the sector that supports them.
Access & equity
We are committed to equitable access to resources, services, and civic life.
Diversity & inclusion
We treat people with dignity, value and embrace the richness of diversity and appreciate intersecting experiences.
We demonstrate respect for all, always and without exception.
We foster strong relationships and engage collaboratively to achieve outcomes.
We are courageous, thoughtful and purposeful in our advocacy.
We are honest and transparent and are accountable for our actions.
Our Team
Anne Bainbridge
Chief Executive Officer
Tamsin Anspach
Deputy Chief Executive Officer
Doug Werchon
Participation and Development Officer
Georgia Thain
Policy Officer
Mallory Bradley
Digital Communications Officer
Claire Faulkner
Office Coordinator
Find out how you or your organisation can get involved and help drive our work!

Level 4, 182 Victoria Square,
9 am - 5 pm
Monday - Friday
(08) 8211 7546
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