SA Health Consultation on Mandatory Assessment for Substance Dependence

“While we acknowledge the statistics have shown a spike in crystal methamphetamine use amongst users of methamphetamines in our communities, the numbers of individuals using crystal methamphetamine in the general population has not increased over the last three years. As such we feel that measures such as mandatory detention, underpinned by a violation of basic human rights is not commensurate with the risk in the community and that reductions in drug use can be achieved through more effective prevention and early intervention processes and treatment models.”

“Prevention and early intervention as well as voluntary treatment programs have the best chance of decreasing the misuse of illicit drugs in our communities and this should be the focus of decision makers. In addition, policy should be underpinned by sound evidence that supports its need and efficacy and should recognise and uphold the rights and self-agency of individuals in our communities.”