Select Committee into Poverty in SA - August 2018
Key points
The following presents the key areas of the YACSA response to the Poverty in South Australia Inquiry:
Young people are finding it increasingly difficult to live week to week on their current levels of income.
Unstable, casualised employment and woefully inadequate income support payments mean that young people often can’t live independently, have difficulty paying for food, health and dental care, transport, and utility bills and can be locked out of the private rental market.
Poverty influences an individual’s experience of housing, education, health care, and the ways in which people can participate and connect to their communities. This experience can have a devastating effect on the health, wellbeing, and development of young people in the short and longer term.
YACSA would like to see a greater investment in policy and programs that address young people’s access to housing, health, transport and cost of living pressures to decrease the short and longterm impacts of poverty.