Inquiry into the appropriateness and effectiveness of the objectives, design, implementation and evaluation of jobactive - September 2019
Key points
The following presents the key areas of the YACSA response to the Inquiry:
Young people described a system that is often punitive, ineffective and unable to genuinely and meaningfully support them in the context of a weak job market.
Employment service providers were regularly characterised as a hindrance to job seeking efforts with some young people reporting they had achieved, personal, employment and training goals without (and sometimes despite) provider intervention.
Young people reported relatively low levels of service provision in each of the key functions of employment services, with only 18.5% of survey respondents reporting assistance with referrals to job vacancies.
There are concerns that outcome driven funding has led some providers to cut staff numbers, which has dramatically increased caseloads and has led to a significant decrease in the services delivered to clients.
The requirements of mutual obligation are time and resource consuming, demoralise and frustrate young job seekers and act as a smokescreen for a weak employment market and other structural barriers to employment.
For employment services to better serve young people, survey respondents have called for more one-on-one services that are respectful, compassionate, flexible, tailored to the personal circumstances and career goals of young people and cognisant of the current job market.