How to involve YACSA in your work
We have training sessions designed for organisations, departments, groups of young people that explore rights, engagement, advocacy and language.
Young people have a right to be included in decisions that affect them. YACSA literally wrote the book on how to effectively engage young people. Find out how you can get us involved.
Public Speaking
As the peak body, we’re at the forefront of discussions about the complex relationship between young people and society.
Topics we cover are:
The rights of young people
Young people and public spaces
Youth participation
Advocacy - what it is and how to do it
Effective engagement with young people
Recognising, re-framing and reviewing the language we use to describe young people, and how it influences their citizenship
The relationship young people have with politics and democracy
The relationship young people have with news, and what it means for NGO’s
Adolescent stages of development and how it influences young people’s use of space and communication
Anything relating to issues we have covered on our publication's page